Monday, March 2, 2009


[been a little while]

I just returned late last night from a weekend adventure to Kansas with my grandparents.
It was a teaser before my actual spring break [next week].
That drive seems a lot easier when you have a lot on your mind, and when you actually drive it.
I really enjoyed getting to spend all that casual time with grandmother and grandfather in the car.

This Friday Melissa and Katie are driving up to spend Friday night/Saturday here in Chicago with Erin and I!
Then we will be driving back to good ol' Kansas on Sunday morning.
[Melissa and Katie do not have spring break yet so they have to return to classes on Monday.]

Spring break I assume will mean working at Supersonic, sleeping, and hanging out with my parents.
I am not complaining.

So far this semester has been successful, besides math.
I am taking Introduction to Theology, German II, Concepts & Structures, 2D Art and 3D Art.
I have also joined the North Park orchestra.
Which is a lot of fun and a lot of hard work.

I am still floating around churches.
Lately it has been Willow Chicago.
I think they have a lot of great opportunities and missions.
But I am unsure if it is what I want as a "Chicago church home".
[I say that because we all know Brookwood is my church home.]

Finished my "flickr" site.
Not that there was a lot to do, other than load pictures and put in a brief description.
Here is the link:
They are unorganized, because I have yet to figure out how to organize them. :)

There is my quick update from being absent for three months.

Hannah Joy

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