On Saturday we all when downtown.
This was my first time to ever ride a train!
And for everyone else.. it was their billionth.
Ally [my RA]
Erin [my roommate]
Abbie [who I recently found out is twenty]
Brooke and Ali
Kelly, Ally, Ali, Joy, Erin, Abbie, Brooke
Waiting for our bus
Going downtown only costs $2!
So you could have a $4 adventure just by going there and back.
It is something I believe we will all be making a habit of doing.
Shopping was our numero uno priority, and dinner.
I didn't buy that, but I really wanted to.
I bought the scarves that were on my arm though!
First we stopped at Jamba Juice, for those who don't know that is compared to Juice Stop.
We slowly made our way down State Street.
Home of a lot of famous sites and stores.
Arielle met us at Millennium Park.
Personally, I find this strange.
But everyone loved them.
Brooke and I
Ali and me.
Ally and me
Joy and I!
After Millennium Park we carried on down Michigan Ave. to find a restaurant.
Some of us went to Noodle & Co, others went to Chipotle.
After eating we did more browsing down Michigan Ave.
Michigan Ave. is home of wayyyyy too expensive stores.
But we enjoyed the picture opportunities.
And glanced into many stores.
Even a store that was only jewelery, more jewelery than you could ever imagine.
When we were walking over this bridge a guy said in my direction:
"Cowboy books?! I haven't seen those forever!"
The sunset.
This was outside Nike Town, and we were waiting for everyone to finish.
And behind us was one of those crazy silver guys that dances and stands really still in odd positions.
Abbie and Ally inside of the Hershey store!
We eventually called it a night..
And got back onto the train.
We got back to the dorms around eight thirty, and we all just went our separate ways.
We were all really exhausted and just wanted to sleep and relax.
Sunday was the next day of adventure.
I went to church at North Park Covenant.
A nice church, almost identical to Brookwood.
I had lunch, then Erin and I were off on our adventure to the lake.
It was just under a thirty minutes bike ride, not too bad.
Fun to ride down the busy streets, and cute residential neighborhoods.
Here is our view.
We read and slept, talked and swam.
And tried to take a good picture.
Had little success.
After about three hours at the lake, we rode to this little town on Clark street.
Called "Anderson Ville".
We got juice, and just walked down the streets looking at all the places we wish we were having our dinner at that evening.
Clark Street reminds me of Mass Street.
Very chill, and cultured.
We returned to campus by seven, and were pretty much in for the night.
Monday, since we had no school, I had a four hour practice for rowing.
Since it was the first day it was all informational on the boats.
We learned how to carry them and work as a team.
Then we returned to school [our boat house is in Skokie] to learn how to urg.
All-in-all it was a fairly boring practice.
I spent about two hours reading out on the green Monday afternoon.
Where people play Frisbee and soccer, and study!
Then the real fun began!
We had an ice cream social on our roof!
Getting ready to pray over our ice cream, led by our RD.
The sunset was amazing!
And the ice cream was equally amazing.
In order to get toppings you had to do crazy things, or tell some story.
I had to spell "monkey" and in between each letter I had to make monkey noises.
And tell my most recent nightmare.
And the farthest I have been away from home.
I... have been having a lot fun.
This morning we had practice..
I woke-up at 4:50, got downstairs by 5:00, got to the vans by 5:10, and left to Skokie by 5:15.
I learned how to row today...
Only eight of us did, everyone else had to run.
At the end when we were done putting the boat away he told us he picked the eight most athletic looking girls.
That made me feel pretty good.
I sat at the front, in seat one, which he said is where the smallest girls usually sit.
I am really sore.
Not from today, but yesterday, we did a few exercises..
It hurts to walk anywhere.
Bring it on.
Time to get my laundry, then shower.. then go read my bible outside, then class!
I have already taken over a nap for an hour.
And Erin just woke up from a nap too.
"Here comes the sun."
I get to see every sunrise now.
Hannah Joy.
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