And the river is flowing really high.
Our boat house flooded yesterday.
Not good, but it has the weekend to dry-out.
I started violin lessons back-up this week.
The teacher seems to be enthusiastic about teaching.
She is no Jean, but she will still be great. [Jean is my former teacher.]
--And I just practiced in my room because the practice halls are on the other side of campus.
It is a pain to carry my violin back and forth. And all the lockers there are taken already.
My investment in this nice planner has been helping me greatly.
My mind does not feel so scatter brained and lost throughout the day.
Especially in the evening when my body is so run down and my mind just can't remember all that is ahead of me.
It is a brand called "dotmine".
And they sell all sorts of organizers, I got the "time.mine" one.
That looks exactly like mine!
The best part is it goes until December 2009.
I look forward to the day when I have gotten into my system of color coordinating and organization.
My newest endeavor is joining the communications team here at North Park.
I got an email about it, and went to the meeting, where I was the only girl, and the only person who was not a freshman.
Much to my surprise they were excited to have me because they are soon to lose everyone else!
Our first brainstorming get together is on Saturday at one guy's apartment, who is a newlywed!
Two people on the staff are newlyweds! Love was in the air at the meeting, haha.
Rowing is going wonderful!
We ran six sets of eight flights of stairs yesterday.
A.K.A. Go up.. then down.. and that equals one, then up and down, equals two.
And a core work-out, plus some erging.
--Today we erged for twenty minutes.
--Then a full body circuit for another twenty minutes.
After practice today Coach Tim came up to me and said "wow, you are really in shape."
And I just sort of smiled and asked what else I could do, and how I could use my height to my advantage.
And he explained that my time was really good on the erge and that what I needed to focus on was improving that.
The reason I will always be in the back [or front, whichever way you look at it] is because my stroke is not as long as everyone elses.
So, being in front of someone would only mess up their stroke.
I have to follow everyone else but still make the pull just as strong.
Does that make any sense?
The same thing goes for really tall people, they cannot be in front because not everyone can follow their long strokes.
I'm rambling.
Tonight I am going downtown with a few girls.
One of them turned 18 today [her name is Clarisa and she is on the rowing team] and she wants to get her nose pierced and her cartilage pierced.
And I lost my stud lip ring so I am going to tag along and get one while we are at the parlor.
This Sunday is another adventure for going to church...
We were going to go with Arielle, but Arielle's church has three services throughout the day.. not the same one each time, but different ones.
Church is a whole day affair at Arielle's church, I don't know if I am up to that.
But Brooke found a flier about a church who is serving breakfast.. Heyyy yo!
Time to do Math homework.
And Erin just showed me how to get to her cross country meet tomorrow.
Hannah Joy.
1 comment:
Sounds wonderful. I will look forward to hear about the communication team. What do they do? Why is it so lopsided? I.E. all "older" people. And why no girls?
Let us know how Erin did in her race. Did you go? And if so did anyone go with you? Mom says becareful.
Dad has some new clothes. Gap had pants on sale. He has three new pairs. Then Jonathan and I went to Gordman's and picked out some two new shirts and ties. He will look so much better. He even threw some of the bad ties out. YEAH!!! So no more cartoon ties.
I was able to get a new skirt at target for $10. It was black and brown. I love it. I bought a sweater to go with it but really want something else. I will keep my eyes open.
Today we plan on shopping and cleaning. What could be more fun. Yes I am going to work on your room.
Then tonight that German student is coming over for dinner.
Sunday church and whatever and then Joan, Heidi and I are having a meeting at Heidi's. She is making us dinner.
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